tyler butler

Site Move and Redesign

The server that is currently hosting the SharePoint version of tylerbutler.com is being decommissioned. Unfortunately, I wasn’t given much notice about this so I have not been able to secure an alternative SharePoint-ready location at Microsoft to host the site. In the meantime I’ve used this opportunity to move the site over to WordPress, and I’ve refreshed the look and feel. Hopefully this will be temporary, since I intend to rebuild the site on the new version of SharePoint once it’s publicly available. But in the meantime, WordPress is serving my needs.

The main www address should be redirecting to blog.tylerbutler.com as soon as the DNS changes propogate. The main RSS feed should be switched over, but I have not yet moved the others. Regardless, though, you shouldn’t notice any differences since I’m using FeedBurner.